Research through observation and evaluation


I did 3 tasks that involved observing and evaluating research. These 3 tasks were to observe someone play a game and record their experience. Observe the class and record instances of people not adhering to health and safety regulations. And comparing 2 blogs about Game Jams.

I have used observational techniques and analysis of text to help me complete these tasks. And learnt that observation is a useful tool in collecting data.

Results from my findings and how it can help in the production of my game

From observing the streamer LirikĀ at I found that certain game elements like good graphics and engaging combat invoked positive emotion from the streamer. While repetitive quests was a negative element. This tells me that good visuals or art are important in attracting players. And good combat mechanics are key at investing players to play more. Repetitiveness is a bad thing as a game can get boring.

From observing the class on health and safety I found that most of the class regularly do not adhere to health and safety when operating computers. Instances that were common was were phones and food on desks and bad posture. Majority of Instances was the screen being too close to someones face.

Results form observation

From evaluating 2 articles about Game Jams I gained knowledge on the history and meaning of Game Jams and advice from 2 developers about participating in Game Jams and creating games in general. I gained valuable advice about prototyping and planning a game out. This information is invaluable and will help in the creation of my game.


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